Víztornyok Magyarországon
Water Towers in Hungary [2007]
A viztorony.hu és a Víztorony Baráti Kör közreműködésével, a Magyar Víziközmű Szövetség gondozásában jelent meg a "Víztornyok Magyarországon" című, mintegy 160 oldalas, keményfedeles, színes, magyar-angol nyelvű album.
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The Hungarian Water Tower Fellowship assisted by the Hungarian Water Utility Association has published their English-Hungarian bilingual hard cover book „Water Towers in Hungary”, which contains 160 pages.
The photographs of the 80 water towers included in the book are partly archive materials often accompanied by the cutaway views of the towers. The compilation of the written and photographic contents was preceeded by a long research period.
The book gives a comprehensive view on the Hungarian water tower architecture beginning from the ones that were attached to castles in the 18th century, introducing the hundred years old reinforced concrete towers, the Intze towers of the Hungarian Railway Co. from the 19th century, the urban brick, concrete and steel constructions, the industrial, agricultural and the tailor-made unique towers as well.
The book is sold out.
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